London dance

London has started taking Dance - a ballet and tap class on Tuesday's at 1:30! A recital at the Peace Center in May should be very exciting!

Our Newest Addition

On Sunday, November 9th 2008 we welcomed Tiger Chastain to our family!

A very unexpected addition - This so sweet kitty had been hanging around Aunt Christy's neighbor's house for a few days and they were trying to find him a home. When I saw him for the first time on Friday, I thought he was so cute and sweet and the girls loved him. On Saturday on our way back from visiting Ganny and Uh-oh's new lakehouse on Keowee I wanted to stop by and let Brent take a look at the kitty. Brent immediately put him in our car and wanted to bring him home. Christy wasn't home and neither were her neighbors - so we couldn't just take him.... so on Sunday morning bright and early at 8 am we drove back to Powdersville to bring Tiger home with us!

Isn't he so cute!

London loves Tiger - she named him and he lets her carry him around. The vet thinks he is about 4 to 5 months old.

Harper loves to squeeze him too!

New Lakehouse

Ganny, Daisy and the Girls
The fish pond in the front of Ganny and Uh-oh's new Lake house on Keowee.

On Saturday November 8th, 2008 we all went to see Ganny and Uh-oh's New Lake house on Keowee. It is so awesome!

Brent, Uh-oh and the girls on the dock - what an awesome view.

London & Harper loved the fish pond.

Little red fish coming to give London a kiss!

London's 1st Field Trip

London and Brooke - Best Friends
On Wednesday, November 5th 2008 London's K4 class went to the Great Harvest on Woodruff Road for their 1st field trip.

Mommy got to go too!

All the kids got to make some cinnamon chip bread - so yummy!

The owner of the store was so great! He told the kids all about bread and how it is made and read the story The Little Red Hen. The kids all thought it was so funny when he explanied to them that the yeast burps!

Here they all are checking out the huge bowls that mix all the ingredients! They are actually yelling down in the bowl to see if it echos.
What a fun day!

London Looses Tooth #2

On Tuesday, Nov 4th 2008 London lost her 2nd Tooth (the day after she lost her 1st tooth)

I was actually upstairs drying my hair and London was screaming, "Mom, you are not going to believe this..." I instantly thought, oh no, what has Harper done. But I was happy to find out that her 2nd tooth had "just come out" as she said while she was sitting on lamby watching tv. I was so happy that she had it in her hand this time and she had a tooth to leave for the tooth fairy!

London Looses her 1st Tooth

This was a very exciting day for London and I should say I was a little bit sad. My little girl is growing up - sniff sniff! We knew that her 2 bottom teeth were very loose and could already see the permanent ones coming in behind them, so we knew it was coming. However, she had eaten a grilled cheese sandwich that night for dinner and then soon after that I saw that the tooth was gone! I started screaming (of course) and then we realized that it was probably not going to be found. The tooth fairy still came even though she didn't actually have the tooth to put under her pillow - we assured her of that!

Halloween Night 2008

The Girls were so ready to go trick or treating in the neighborhood on Friday night, Oct. 31st. They had gotten some practice earlier that day at ScanSource (Daddy's work) and were ready to go get more candy!

Our 1st stop at the girls favorite neighbors house - The Ellers!

The girls love running over to The Eller's house (almost daily) to get a squezze from Mr. Eller and always a cookie from Mrs. Eller!

They are such sweet neighbors!

London was so excited and was having so much fun!

Happy Halloween!!

Halloween 2008 at ScanSource

The girls had the best time trick or treating at Daddy's work. We went to ScanSource at about 4:00 on Friday, Oct. 31st 2008 dressed as little "Southern Bell Witches"! There was Candy everywhere and Harper got the hang of it really quick!